Where a financing request or risk is too large for the bank,Universal
Merchant Bank shall invite other
banks/lenders to jointly provide the financing. A syndicated loan is one
that is provided by a group of lenders and is structured,
arranged, and managed by one or several commercial or investment banks known
as arrangers.
Keaton Bank has an impressive record in arranging various
syndicated credit facilities for
leading companies and multinational customers in the past and is well placed
to assist customers with
syndicated finance for viable projects.
The syndicated loan market has become the dominant way for issuers to
tap banks and other institutional capital providers for loans. The reason is
simple: syndicated loans are less
expensive and more efficient to administer than bilateral, or individual,
credit lines.
Distributor Credit Plans
The Distributor Credit Plan is a scheme established by Keaton Bank
Bank for the distributors of our large
corporate customers as well as other distributors to encourage the
development of small and medium sized enterprises
in the country through the provision of competitively priced loans.
While the loans shall be provided by the Bank, we have also put
in place a capacity building program to support the distributors in
developing their businesses.